Today we’d like to introduce you to Todd Snively.
Now, in as much detail as you’re willing to share, why don’t you tell us about what you do?
I feel that making money online is one of those great puzzles that needs to be solved. I look at it like playing a game, and those that understand the game the best, understand the rules the best and have the best strategy, will win the game. Plus, the concept that you can work from anywhere in the world and be able to generate income using a laptop, fascinates me. 40 years as an entrepreneur and I consider myself a grand master at this online income game. While I have five major income streams, all of them online, my speciality is implementing the wholesale model on Amazon. That’s where we purchase name brand products that are already selling on Amazon, that need additional competitive sellers, and add our offer to those product pages to obtain a share of the revenue. It’s one of the few business models where I can operate my own eight figure Amazon business and still consult with others to help them do the same thing. It’s non-competitive, and in fact, it’s one of those rarities where it can actually be symbiotic. Any other expert out there is usually preaching the private label, dropshipping or arbitrage models. I don’t consider dropshipping or arbitrage to be real business models, and private label is full of problems, too numerous to mention here, for the beginner. I am an expert in all of these models and still choose to teach the wholesale method.
Looking back, what success advice would you give to your younger self?
First I would mention that right around age 23 you’re going to start gaining weight for no apparent reason. Make exercising, even if it’s just walking, part of your daily routine. Now, as far as being successful goes, I would explain that all the trappings of success, like private jets, Rolex watches, $5,000 suits, exotic sports cars, etc., are not the markings of true success. I’ve had all these things, several times over and I’ve learned that true success is being in control of your time. Doing what you want, when you want, and that includes working on income producing projects, is the true measure of success. What’s the point of having a Ferrari in your garage when you’re working 70 hours a week just to make the payment? You also want to surround yourself with others that have the same goals as you, and better yet, others that have actually accomplished what you want to accomplish. To this day I will still reach out to folks that I wish to emulate and attempt to become “friends”. Plus, success does not seek you out, you must aggressively pursue it. That means doing something every single day that should move you towards your goals. Making excuses, feeling entitled, going into debt for no reason, will not make you successful.
Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our audience?
There’s only two ways to the top. You work your butt off, many times reinventing the wheel, but eventually making it, or you can buy your way to the top. There are many things I had to be willing to do when I had no money that I simply pay others to do now that I have money. So, if I want to get a graduate level education in say, writing a book, I’ll pay someone tens of thousands of dollars to give me all the answers, or maybe even ghostwrite the book for me. That’s buying your way to the top. One of the smartest shortcuts you’ll ever discover and I do it all the time. Outsource and pay someone to teach you what they know ultimately saves you time, money and accelerates your progress to goal completion.
Finally, how can people connect with you and learn more about what you do?
Well, if you are interested in becoming a professional seller on Amazon, I am happy to give you access to my training program. Go to for more details. If you’d like to connect and learn more about my journey, go to