Today we’d like to introduce you to Aaron D. Person.
It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?
I’ve been a licensed Realtor® since 2004. Although I work with both Buyers & Sellers, I’ve chosen to primarily work with Buyers because of my experience when I was searching for a home. In 2003, I went to a non-profit agency in order to learn about & start the home buying process. The next step was to meet with a counselor. In this meeting, after reviewing my paperwork, she looked up and said, “Mr. Person, you know you don’t make enough money to buy a house in this area. Come back when you get a raise!” I thought I would be leaving the meeting one step closer to owning a home but I left with my head hung low and tail between my legs. I accepted what she said as truth, but had I gotten a second opinion, I actually could have purchased a house. That bad experience mixed with a great experience I had with a different non-profit in 2004, after getting my Real Estate license, drove me to develop a solution oriented mindset. Had the counselor offered me more options than just getting a higher paid job, I could have bought a house earlier than I did. That experience ended up being a gift for both me and all the people I’ve been able to teach about their options and help buy a house to call home. Of course this solution oriented mindset applies to sellers as well, but buyers have been my A-1 since day 1!
I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?
I started and spent most of my career as a “dual career” agent. That basically means I was a Realtor® who also had a job in addition to helping people buy & sell houses. That split of time sometimes made it hard for me to meet with clients when they were available and I lost a few clients along the way because of it. In real estate school, they teach you all the laws you need to know in order to pass the test and to limit getting in trouble after you start working in the field. What they don’t teach you in real estate school is that a career in sales is also a career in marketing. Although I was able to get some sales from referrals, I was pretty bad at marketing and couldn’t scale my business. After being in the business for a while working as a generalist, I realized something. Just like a doctor who specializes in heart surgery tends to earn more than a Doctor who is a General Practitioner, a Realtor® who specializes in something can earn more than a Realtor® who doesn’t. From there I began to search for my niche and I found it!
Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?
I’m the Creator & Director of the 203k Done Your Way Program™. Our mission is to economically rehabilitate the community one house at a time. We achieve that mission by guiding clients through the 203k loan process from start to finish. The 203k loan is a product offered by FHA that allows you to purchase and renovate a house within the same loan. It’s been around over 50 years but for some reason, not too many people know about it. The people that have heard of it typically don’t know the steps from start to finish or they really don’t understand the untapped power of this loan. I’m not just talking about potential clients. I’ve met plenty of Realtors® who have no idea about the 203k loan or how to navigate it. Most people only think of buying when you hear 203k but the loan is available for current homeowners to use as well. I’m one of the few Realtors® in the country who specialize in this product!
What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?
The number one thing that I can tell people who desire to find success in their life is to find a mentor. Whatever industry you’re hoping to thrive in, you should find at least 1 person who is successful in that industry, and figure out how you can be of service to them. People who experience an extreme amount of success typically don’t have an extreme amount of time. A good way you can be of service and possibly get within their good grace is to figure out a way to help them free up some of their time. Time is priceless. So freeing up someone’s time will likely yield a reward or opportunity for you. Find a mentor and be of value to them!
Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?
When some people think of success, they think of fame & fortune. In my opinion, a successful person is someone who sets a goal, works to achieve their goal and doesn’t stop until it’s been achieved. If you set out to be a teacher and become that, you’re a success. If you set out to be a plumber and become that, you’re a success. If you set out to be a business owner and become that, you’re a success. That doesn’t mean there isn’t room to make improvements and become better at what you do. But the fact that you accomplished a goal that you set makes you successful in my opinion. The words in Dr. King’s “What is your life’s blueprint?” speech is a great mindset to have in order to achieve & maintain success. He states “And when you discover what you will be in your life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. Don’t just set out to do a good job. Set out to do such a good job that the living, the dead or the unborn couldn’t do it any better.“ His closing statement sums it all up…”Be the best of whatever you are”!
What’s next for you?
What’s next for me is to continue helping people learn about and navigate the 203k loan process. At the end of 2020, I started a weekly live called 203k Tuesday™ where I interview and speak to other industry partners around the country who are also actively helping people navigate the 203k loan. I use that platform to help teach people while also introducing them to the local 203k specialist. I’m also finishing up my 203k E-course which will teach people step by step how build their “203k Starting Line-up” and walk them through the process from start to finish. They will know what to expect before they embark in this loan process. They will also have an understanding of how the 203k loan can help them create, build, and sustain generational wealth when it’s used correctly. Teaching is what’s now and what’s next for me!
Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.
The best way to connect with me is to stop by the website, On the website you’ll find more information about the 203k loan and the 203k Done Your Way Program™. There, you’ll also find our social media contact information. My show 203k Tuesday™ currently airs live on our FB page from 7pm-7:30pm EST. This is another way you can connect while getting practical information about the 203k loan. If you need to reach me right away, you can give me a call at (844) YES-203k!