
Samantha J Leads Movement of Millennials To Build Empires That Shape A Better World

Today we’d like to introduce you to Samantha J.

Now, in as much detail as you’re willing to share, why don’t you tell us about what you do?

Samantha J is an award-winning entrepreneur, bestselling author and speaker – a business empress who merges spirituality and entrepreneurship to help entrepreneurs make a meaningful impact on the world. After building her first 8-figure business by the age of 21, Samantha embarked on a journey of soulful discovery that helped her embody her divine femininty and divine masculinity, and step into her personal power. While travelling to over 25 countries, Samantha refined her gift as a medicine woman alongside leading authorities in neuroscience, shamanism and sacred sexuality. She emerged with a unique methodology that combines ancient healing practices with pragmatic business strategies to build purposeful and profitable empires. Samantha works with entrepreneurs to help them harness their zone of genius and realise their ultimate potential in life, business and relationships. She has ignited a global movement with an ambitious goal to see one million entrepreneurs embody their empress and emperor by 2030.

Looking back, what success advice would you give to your younger self?

Stop waiting to be chosen. Choose yourself. Stop seeking permission. Back yourself. I think too often we are waiting for the love and approval we have always been seeking outside of ourselves, when we truly give this to ourself, we are an unstoppable force in the world.

Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share with our audience?

“I am leading a movement of millennials to build empires that shape a better world, merging spirituality, self-expression and business strategy,” Samantha says. “My philosophy is that business is 33% strategy, 33% self-expression and 33% spirituality.” With this mantra guiding her, Samantha is helping millennial entrepreneurs whose deep connection to god and spirit helps solve meaningful problems in the world. As previously stated, never before has a single generation been presented with such a unique opportunity to do both good for the world, whilst building future wealth for themselves too. Over the next few decades, the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in history will pass down over $30 trillion in inheritance from Baby Boomers over to Millennials and Generation X’s, with their earning power set to increase by almost 75% across the next few years. “This is what I am preparing my clients for,” says Samantha. “When profit and purpose can co-exist in harmony using my shared value business model, businesses can be responsible for solving health, climate change, mental health, sex trafficking and so much more.” Business owners and organisations of the future now have a duty of corporate responsibility, as both business leaders and citizens of the world, to be asking themselves what role they play in the changing critical. How can we as business owners follow our passions and purpose to create a more sustainable world?

Finally, how can people connect with you and learn more about what you do?

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