
This Young Entrepreneur is Changing the Game for the Business World

Today we’d like to introduce you to Andrew Christopher Hindle.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

My name is Andrew Christopher Hindle, and I’m somewhat of a white-collar guy with a blue-collar background. I was born and raised in Fort Worth, TX. However, I have lived in several places: TX, California, Florida, Wisconsin (military boarding school), and I even lived in NYC, where I attended music production school in the summer of 2016. I now live in Fort Collins, CO. Before I left Texas, I spent many years fixing computers for friends and family and running my eBay store, Stuff N Things. I’m always looking for ingenious ways to make money in industries that I believe have not been correctly exploited. My entrepreneurial spirit and strong moral compass guide me through these endeavors and always will. By the time I finished my Associate’s Degree in College Station, TX, I knew that engineering was the wrong field for me; I wanted to incorporate creativity in my work, so I left for NYC to become an electronic music producer within two weeks of earning my degree. And, little did I know that I had already been doing advertising for the entirety of my music career in NYC; I was doing it for several musicians I met at school. And, I was making enough money to rent a studio flat in NYC and live comfortably. But, as fate would have it, the universe had other plans for me. My parents told me that if I went back to school and finished my Bachelor’s degree, they’d pay for all it,

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

I was hit by a drunk driver when I was 18 and shattered my femur, which costed me about a year of productivity. Two people died in that accident and it left me with severe PTSD and night terrors. Also, I started my business in March of 2020, so I didn’t exactly choose the easiest time to start.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

We are a software development company that specializes in advertising. Instead of telling potential clients that they’re going to get a 10:1 return on their invest (like every other advertising agency), we tell them that they don’t need to spend money to grow their business. We start with an analysis of the business in question and go from there; we haven’t done the same thing for any two clients. Once the analysis is complete, we work to make sure the client is correctly using the ‘free-space’, as we call it. Before making any recommendations on potential investment opportunities for clients, we make sure that they have done everything in their/our power to solidify the foundation they stand on. From there, the sky is the limit.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Be aware — be aware of everything around you at all times. Whether it’s in your personal life, work-life, or double life, you need to know what game you’re playing and you need to keep score of your game because no one is going to do it for you. Once you know what game you’re playing and what pieces you have on the board, you can move them accordingly. So, make a plan and execute, because, if you don’t, someone else already did. If there are a million reasons not to do something, then that means it’s worth doing, because, chances are, it hasn’t been done. Show the world who you are and never apologize for being yourself.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

I think the word success is a joke. Just as everything in life is a game that can be played and won (or lost), so is the definition of success. Money tends to be the metric that people use to determine whether or not someone is successful, and that makes the game even easier to play, because, while other people are counting their dollars, I’m moving the game pieces on my war-board.

What’s next for you?

I don’t know what’s next for me, but what I do know is that all we, as humans, have is now, and what we do right now determines what comes next, so play your cards accordingly.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

Email and LinkedIn are the best ways to reach me; here’s my info:

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